Returning Observer

How do I set default sorting for datasource tables?

Hello everyone,

this seems like a stupidly simple thing, but I just can't seem to find it:

How can I change the default sorting of a datasource table (brown area) to something else than "ID descending"?

In my case, we have a datasource with several columns, one of which is publication date.

The customer would like to have that table sorted by this date (descending) per default, instead of ID.

This can be set somewhere, right?

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Returning Observer

Okay. The second I post a question online, I seem to always find the anser, but maybe someone can confirm this:


To set a default sorting other than ID, you open the context menu für the datasource (brown area), go to Extras, and then to "Set Filter".

There you can set both filters as well as sorting.